Here's a blow by blow account of the events that started on Wednesday, 25th July.Wednesday 25.7.07 08:15Woke up and felt some cramping. They weren't regular and didn't increase in intensity - convinced it was Braxton Hicks
(mistake #1).
10:30Was on the phone with my bank discussing interest rates when I felt some wetness down there. Told her I couldn't make a face-to-face trip because we were expecting a baby "anytime soon" (prophetic words). Convinced it was 'bloody show' because after all, wasn't amniotic fluid supposed to be clear?
(mistake #2)15:00Got to the hospital for a checkup after getting some essentials (see "
minibeanie wants out!"). An internal examination confirmed that it was amniotic fluid! Disbelief - couldn't believe that the birth was imminent. The cervix was 1cm dilated.
18:31Was strapped to the fetal monitoring device that measured fetal heart rate and contractions for about an hour. Contractions were 10min apart; felt like menstrual cramps.
21:35Contractions were getting more frequent. An exam showed that the cervix was still 1cm dilated. How long was full dilation (10cm) supposed to take??!
22:35Was given 2 panadol and a light sleeping pill to try and get some sleep. Perhaps it would aid the progress of contractions?
Thursday 26.7.07 00:00Woken up by stronger contractions - so much for the pills. Pain radiated from back to front. Called for the nurse and fetal monitoring device again. Contractions 6-10 min apart and about a min each.
01:34Contractions still weren't regular. Tried to get some rest for the labour ahead.
02:24Sleep evaded me. Got up to walk along the corridors.
03:32Returned to bed to catch some zzz's. Didn't think labour had progressed at all! :(((
04:23Woken up by stronger contractions - called for the monitoring device again. (The night nurse must have hated me ;)
05:36Contractions 6min apart; pain has intensified a lot. Concentrate on breathing. Got up to walk again.
06:44Climbed back to bed.
08:13DH came at last and brought me breakfast from the ward. Lapped up the oat porridge for energy. A midwife came to monitor the baby's heartrate & contractions again.
09:45minibeanie's heartrate was 130 - sleeping :) Since it would be more than 24 hours since my waters broke, midwife said that penicillin would be given during the labour to ward off any infections for the baby - just in case.
10:00The ward doctor came by during his round. An internal exam showed that the membranes had broken because hair could be felt :D 4cm dilated (yippee!) - considering oxytocin to speed up contractions because mine weren't regular. minibeanie however is still at the top of the cervix. Going to the delivery room soon... at last.
11:20Just had an enema. Going to the delivery room now.
11:30In delivery room #9. There was a bean bag & rocking chair - wondering if I'd get to use them. Hooked up to the fetal monitoring device again. Oxytocin given on an IV - 15ml/h
12:15Oxytocin increased to 30ml/h. Contractions were beginning to get borderline unbearable. Requested for 'happy gas' (nitrox oxide).
note: so this was how it felt to be high ;) DH said I would drift off as if on a trance after a few breaths of the gas. He tried the gas mask and said, "3 glasses of wine" ;P12:30Contractions now 4.5-5min apart.
12:50Contractions 4min apart. Midwife said I was 7cm dilated!
13:10Oxytocin increased to 45ml/h. Contractions were coming more frequently, sometimes 2-3 back to back. Blood pressure 103/66. Felt the urge to push already. Big pain!!!
DH, my birthing partner, was great in giving me an advance warning on the next wave of contractions. His back massages weren't exactly relieving the pain but they helped in distracting me from the pain.
13:37Pushing phase started! Fully dilated. minibeanie has descended significantly down the birth canal.
13:40Oxytocin increased to 60ml/h.
13:53Oxytocin increased to 75ml/h. Huge pain during contractions. (I was thinking, no kids ever again...)
14:37Moved to birthing position. Midwife started to get all apparatus ready. My 'good friend', the happy gas, was removed from me and pushing began. Reinforcement came from another midwife who helped to push from my abdomen.
DH yelled, "I could see his hair! It's black!"
15:09minibeanie was born!!! :>
Cord oxygen levels were excellent. Mummy had some superficial tears - 3 stitches were given. A proud daddy cut the cord :)
minibeanie was put on mummy's breast.
16:00DH gave minibeanie's first bath while I showered.
Vital statistics:
Weight - 3.23kg
Height - 50cm
Oxygen saturation - 98%
Temperature - 36.6C
17:00Got our dinner of sandwiches, salad & hot chocolate delivered to the delivery room. Hot cocoa never tasted so good! :P
20:15In our family room, our delivery midwife checked in on us. Total labour time was 3hr 32min with 29min as the active labour, quite a surprise to her as this was my 1st baby.
minibeanie is 1 week 3 days