Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 26

Baby shower & Birthday party

I'm exhausted. This had been such a hectic weekend that I'm going to need this coming week to rest. On Saturday, my friends threw me a baby shower party. It was wonderful - lots of good food, nice presents, good gossip ;) and even better company. And today, Sunday, it is Alexander's 2nd birthday. And even though I didn't go the whole she-bang like last year's bash, there was still plenty of work baking the cake, making the hors d'oeuvres and decorating etc...

Oh yes, the cake. I decided on a race course design because minibeanie is a petrol-head. He loved it! He didn't seem to have much appetite for the cake but the toy cars on the cake? Those are all he wanted. Assembling the cake was a cinch (& pretty fun for the parents!) but baking the 2 sponges was a huge challenge that took up most of my Saturday. The first attempt went to the freezer because it didn't rise much (I'd use them for a future dessert), the second attempt with a different technique was much better, and because I needed TWO sponge cakes, I'd to bake another one. But the third attempt was a disaster. It went straight into the bin without reaching the oven. Finally, at 10pm Saturday, the fourth and final sponge cake was baked. Thankfully, this one went well.
The birthday tea party went well. I'd invited the same friends in my baby shower; this time the boys joined the party as well :)

minibeanie is 2 years old!!!
microbeanie is 32 weeks 4 days in utero


sky said...

Happy Birthday, Alexander! Wow, you are a big boy now :)

Whui Mei said...

Happy belated birthday, Alex! You and I have the same birthday but a difference of many years apart. ;-)

Ashley said...

Thanks Whui Mei, Happy Belated Birthday to u too!! :)

Hey Sky, thank u too :) Before u know it, u'll be celebrating Christian's 1st birthday too :>