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Saturday, February 2

Food pyramid

5 days to the Great Move. On Wednesday, 2 moving companies will be coming over to pack & move everything save for the kitchen sink. I'm feeling slightly panicky. There's a nagging feeling that I can be doing something more productive (e.g. like packing my CDs instead of blogging for instance!) or that I'm going to forget something huge. And all this time, minibeanie is blissfully enjoying his sweet potato mash (he loves that btw!), rolling over onto his tummy and demanding to be turned back again.

Anyhow, as part of the Great Move To-Do list, we went to buy minibeanie's supplies this evening. The total tally is 42 jars of baby food, 14 packs of formula powder & 50 swimming diapers. A word of defence regarding the jars of baby food. I'm pretty much an old-school believer in homemade foods being best, so more than half of those jars are berries that I'm pretty sure can't be gotten in China. The rest are meant to be little meals for when we are out somewhere. It's a little like always having a spare tyre in your car; you never know when you're going to need it ;)

From top to bottom, left to right: Raspberry-blueberry-apple, Forest berries, Vegetable-ham, potato-meat, Turkey-broccoli, Potato-flounder, Salmon

Tomorrow, we'll be sweeping the milk powder shelves off another supermarket. By my estimate, minibeanie will need 50 packs until his 1st birthday. More than 100 liters in all- that's a lot of milk!

minibeanie is 6 months & 1 week old

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, what exciting times! All the best on your move! I have not checked in for a while - was back in Singapore over Christmas & New Year, then struggling with jet lag when we got back to the US. Tell me more about your move when you have the chance (in between, feeding, pooping, sleeping or not sleeping, moving, etc...) :) KF