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Sunday, February 10

The Great Move

What a relief that the Great Move is now behind us. I can't begin to describe how hectic, stressful & exhausting the past week had been. Since last Friday, there had been a flurry of farewells, packing, moving & re-packing for 16 to 20 hours on end. On the eve of the Move, we slept 2 hours before the first set of packers came at 8:30 in the morning. I never knew we had SO much stuff! Do we really need everything? Countless boxes, another set of movers to take away our remaining furniture and 14.5 hours later, we left the apartment that had been home for 4.5 years. Then, a 15 hour flight on Friday morning and we're in Singapore with 92kg of luggage, ready to drop like flies.

It's good to be back in Singapore. I'm pleasantly surprised by the relative ease of using our Stokke pram. There could be more ramps but at least lifts are usually available and the walkways are smooth.

And as expected, minibeanie is having a case of jetlag. He had trouble going to bed this evening or should I say 1am. But he's a real trooper - he didn't fuss much during the Move and the flight, and took the stress of being in a strange place rather well. I mean, during our walk at Orchard Road today, his large eyes were framed by brows that were slightly knitted; it was almost as if he didn't quite know what to make of all the people, the strange sounds and the humidity.

Alright, I just caught myself dozing off....

minibeanie is 6 months & 2 weeks old

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