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Sunday, August 12

1 Hot mama (...not)

After a mild July (for which I'm thankful), August seems to be making up for lost time. The past week saw temperatures soaring to high 20s. Sounds great by tropical Singapore's and even Finland's standards but thanks to the orientation of my apartment and the excellent build that retains heat so well in winter, it's 30c indoors. It's really no fun having minibeanie plastered to his mama during his feed who in turn is plastered to the leather sofa. Thus, we regularly seek respite outdoors where it doesn't feel like a greenhouse, at least not yet according to Al Gore.

The past week of going out, pram, diaper bag & all, has also made me realize that man, it's hard to look hot in baggy maternity tops & sensible flat shoes. And to top it all, my cute little red Louis Vuitton bag is just not practical anymore! (To my sis: u aren't eyeing my bag ;) Instead, what's holding my handphone is a PURPLE diaper bag that is complimentary from a Pampers rival. Is this a natural order of things?

minibeanie is 2 weeks 3 days old

1 comment:

Joy Tan said...

Poor thing! Try drinking lots of cold fluids (with lime juice?) to cool yourself down. Breastfeeding + hot weather + sticky baby = zero fun.

One way of not worrying about your top and your bump is to put minibeanie in a sling! ;) You can check out the Maya Sling or some of what Singapore carries. There's also a pouch sling where minibeanie can just slide in too. The sling pretty much covers your top *heh heh*

I've noticed some parents of 5+/6+ year old kids sporting Spongebob Squarepants bags. I think the purple bag is probably better than Spongebob. Well, you have 5 years to reach that stage! We are rather "bochup". Just put diapers etc into a haversack and we're good to go. Don't have to bring bottles of any kind since Esther breastfeeds. And 2 waterbottles for the kids and some finger snacks for them.

minibeanie is growing fast now huh? So, how many hours do you guys spend staring at him? :)