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Friday, July 13

Homemade Playdough

I stumbled upon a recipe for how to make your own playdough. I remembered those colourful lumps of dough that I would mould into yummy looking sundaes or cute piggies. Now, instead of buying them off the rack, here's an activity that every kid would love to get his hands dirty with. Best of all, you can be sure that it's non-toxic. Here goes...

How to Make Homemade Playdough

1 cup flour
0.5 cup salt
1 tbsp cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tbsp oil
20 drops of food colouring

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.
2. Put all liquids in a pot.
3. Combine all ingredients in pot over medium heat.
4. Continue stirring until dough forms a ball.
5. Remove from heat and turn dough out onto floured surface and knead until smooth. (hot!)
6. When cool, store dough in airtight container.

You can watch a video of the process here.

By the way, I wonder what happens when you pop the cut-out pieces of dough into the oven! Do they become pieces of hard 'cookies' that you can then varnish as keepsakes?? or make them into fridge magnets! If anyone tries that, let me know! :)

M who believes toys need not be expensive or store bought
37 weeks 6 days

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